September 29, 2010

Let Me Know If You Need Anything

My grandmother had a stroke yesterday.

"Check your voicemail," said a text from my mom.

I told her there was no voicemail.

"It was supposed to say that I was just letting you know I'm in the ER with Nanny. They think she had a stroke," she said when she called me back.

September 16, 2010

Thank You, Pandora

So, I try to be respectful of all types of music, but sometimes a particular band/sound/song just drives me absolutely crazy and I get to where I can't stand it.

Case in point: Jimmy Eat World - The Middle

September 07, 2010


I really don't know what to say other than Labor Day weekend was the most eventful of weekends I've experienced in 2010. I consumed alcoholic beverages on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. That probably wasn't a good idea and I'm going to be paying for it in the gym this week, but I had never done that before so I figured I'd give irresponsibility a shot.

September 01, 2010

Vintage! Otra vez

This post made a lot of people mad. I don't really know why. I was just expressing what I was feeling when I was feeling it. But, I guess that's the story of my life.