September 02, 2010

Thirsty Thursday?

It's Thursday!!!

Thursday is the hoppin'est party day of the week. Lubbock was ranked the 8th Drunkest City in America by Men's Health magazine. Ouch. Not sure that's something we should be proud of, Red Raiders.

Anyway, Thursday is College Night, but not for me. I've gone out on a Thursday once in the three years I've been in school (LOSER!) and it was only because I wasn't working the next day. Oh, and it was in the middle of the summer. I dropped a glass in the bar and danced like a foo. It wasn't pretty.

I prefer (or rather, I'm forced) to spend my Thursday nights catching up on things that need to get done, so that I can spend my Saturdays and Sundays doing more fun things. Damn you, responsibility!

Tonight I have to work out. Read: HAVE TO. Then, I have reading to do for English tomorrow, start two articles for NOLN that are due next week and send in two story pitches for my multiplat class that are due tomorrow. Oh, and I need to clean my apartment, since I'm probably going to have company this weekend. Yikes!

While, I am a master procrastinator, it's not a trait that I admire in myself. I've been fighting it for years and I love the feeling of being ahead, so I'm going to try and get ahead! Or at least catch up.

Tomorrow, Amanda and I are either going to First Friday Art Trail or going to see Going the Distance. Maybe we'll do both.

Saturday will be a busy day I think. Some friends (that just had a baby...CONGRATS!) are coming to town, so I'll be with them and some other friends. I'm beyond thankful that Monday is Labor Day.

I love you, Labor Day.

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