December 20, 2011

Product Spotlight: Fibo-Trim

The AdvoCare product spotlight for the month of December is Fibo-Trim! Read on to learn more about this awesome product.

December 18, 2011

We Build Champions

Earlier, I posted about the positive changes I've been making in my life concerning fitness. Well, something that goes hand-in-hand with fitness, is good health. During my six week boot camp, I discovered something I think has changed my  life forever.

It's called AdvoCare. AdvoCare is a line of health and wellness supplements. AdvoCare carries products for energy, weight loss, overall wellness, muscle building and skin care. There is really something for everyone.

Click here to visit my AdvoCare Microsite

Looking Forward...

...To a new year.

Today is December 18, 2011. Exactly one year after my college graduation.

A lot has changed in the last year.