A whole lot has happened in the last 19 days, so here's a (semi) quick rundown of everything going on. Let's move backwards.
Jada, Jake and Me over the Christmas holiday |
Me and the K-Dawg on my birthday! |
Right Now: I'm watching Sixteen Candles in my bed and drinking a glass of wine. The current scene is the one when Farmer Ted follows Andie into the auto shop and tries to serenade her with Beatles songs. Unfortunately, I think I too have been groped in a car while the Beatles played in the background. Sad, sad day.
Where's MY Jake Ryan? |
Jock: Jake, come on. She's obviously too young to party seriously.
Jake Ryan: Maybe I'M interested in more than just a party.
Jake Ryan: (Later) I want a serious girlfriend. Someone to love that'll love me back.