November 23, 2010

Do Something Good

...For your body, that is! Thanksgiving is a mere two days away, and that means turkey, pie, mashed potatoes, gravy, so much food! And you know what comes just a month after Thanksgiving? Yes, that would be Christmas. And then it's New Years Eve (aka my birthday :) and then suddenly it's a new year and you feel fat, slobby and worthless.

Well, that's where a New Years resolution comes in, you say. Yes, but how soon after you stop eating holiday leftovers and start attending weekly Zumba will you fall back into your old patterns? Don't do it! Do something good for your body now. Why should you wait until it's a totally new year to get off your butt? If you start now, you'll be miles ahead of everyone waiting until January 1. The gyms will be packed, every copy Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred will be gone, every kick-start supplement will be out of stock. 

And, you know, you don't really have an excuse. The best time to start something new is on Sunday or Monday when the week is fresh and brand new. Guess what? Thanksgiving is ALWAYS on a Thursday, giving you Friday and the weekend to digest those yams. This year, Christmas Day is a Saturday, which makes two days later the perfect time to try out the brand new running shoes that Santa brought you!

What am I doing, you ask? Well, I started going  back to the gym in August, and while I've seen results, I'm not seeing them as quickly as I'd like to, so I'm trying something else in conjunction with it. Skinny Bitch, by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin is "A no-nonsense, tough-love guide for savvy girls who want to stop eating crap and start looking fabulous!" I've heard good things about it, so I'm giving it a go. There's an entire chapter devoted to pooping and so far I've learned that I'm fat because I can't give up cokes and coffee. Well, I knew that, but it's good to hear someone else say it. I'm hoping for the push I need to kick the stuff for good. We'll see! I might also give that 30 Day Shred a try...and I'm hoping Santa will bring me some of these to go along with it. :)

1 comment:

  1. im doing the 30 day shred starting tomorrow. you're welcome.
